Assistance with accounting

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Assistance with Financial Statement Preparation

Accountants can submit four different declarations, please see Opinions.

By choosing an assistance statement, the accountant helps the management to draw up the annual accounts in accordance with the legislation and according to the chosen accounting principles. These most often follow the Annual Accounts Act for class A and B companies. In some cases, they follow the act with the option of class C companies for certain items.

The goal is to ensure that the accounts are fair, and meet the relevant legislative requirements for the company.

In the case of an assistance opinion, the auditor gives an opinion without guaranteeing the information in the financial statements, as the auditor does not carry out checks on the information provided in the financial statements.

However, an approved/state-authorised accountant cannot issue a declaration of assistance if the accounts contain obvious errors.

When is the assistance opinion used?

This assistance opinion is used, when a company, a firm or a personal company needs help preparing their accounts, so that they are fair and comply with applicable legislation. It is particularly relevant for smaller companies, that may not have the internal resources or expertise to prepare their accounts themselves.

At SkatteInform, we have a special focus on tax and VAT matters, just as we deal with keeping accounts, which can form the basis for the company's financial management.

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