Gift/Inheritance and Decedent's estate

The rules for the taxation of gifts, inheritance, and estates are complex, and at SkatteInform, we receive many inquiries from clients who are unsure of how to navigate these regulations to avoid unnecessary costs in taxes and duties.

Incorrect handling of tax and duty regulations for gifts, inheritance, and estate taxation can leave those involved financially strained, sometimes forcing them to sell assets to cover tax expenses.With professional advice from SkatteInform, we help you optimize the planning of inheritances, gifts, and estates, minimizing costs. We ensure an efficient process that provides peace of mind and reduces the financial burden on those involved.

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Tax advice

Tax advice for individuals and companies

Tax advice at SkatteInform is based on specific tax challenges and aims to create value for you and help ensure that tax law issues and matters are treated properly in accordance with applicable legislation.

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En revisor som benytter en lommeregner
Auditing and accounting

Audit, review and extended review for all types of customers

SkatteInform is a state-authorised auditing company with extensive experience in auditing and reporting financial statements. We conduct audits, reviews and extended reviews for all types of customers and industries for small and medium-sized businesses.

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