Audit Statements

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DescriptionRevenueBalance totalNumber of full-time employees (Average)
Audit statementAn auditor’s statement provides a high level of assurance about the information in the financial statements. During an audit, the auditor conducts various analyses and inquiries with the management, as well as relevant checks of significant items in the financial statements. This may include physical inspections, observations, obtaining external confirmations, and more.89 + millioner44 + millionerOver 50 full-time employees
Extended auditAn extended review provides limited assurance regarding the information in the financial statements. In an extended review, the auditor bases their work on information from management. The review of the financial statements is based on analyses and inquiries directed at management. An extended review offers greater assurance than, for example, a standard review, as the auditor performs specific additional procedures.Maks 89 millionerMaks 44 millionerMaks 50 full-time employees

A review provides limited assurance regarding the information in the financial statements. In a review, the auditor bases their work on the information provided by management, and the examination of the financial statements is primarily based on analytical procedures and inquiries made to management. The auditor only conducts additional checks if the analyses give rise to it.

Maks 8 millionerMaks 4 millionerMaks 12 full-time employees
Assistance declarationAn assistance statement helps the auditor assist management in preparing the financial statements in accordance with the law. This is a statement without assurance regarding the information in the financial statements, as the auditor does not perform additional verification of the information. A certified auditor cannot issue an assistance statement if the financial statements contain obvious errors.Maks 8 millionerMaks 4 millionerMaks 12 full-time employees
No declarationThe company alone is responsible for the information in the financial statements.

Audit Statements

Audit statements provide an independent assessment of whether the financial statements give a true and fair view of a company's financial condition, in accordance with applicable accounting standards. Audit statements can range from a "clean" statement, indicating no significant issues were found, to a "qualified" statement, indicating that there are issues that need to be addressed.

When are audit statements used?

Audit statements are used when a company has undergone a full audit, where the accountant systematically examines the financial statements, controls, and processes to assess their accuracy. Audit statements are primarily used by larger companies, that are legally required to be audited.

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