
Here you can find a list of all our different publications


SkatteInform has produced several publications and also offers a newsletter. You can see all our publications here below.

Current Tax

Aktuel Skat is an electronic newsletter from SkatteInform for accountants and their clients who want to be up to date with what is happening in the tax field - both when it comes to business and personal tax matters.

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Tax Guide 1999-2004

A magazine that keeps you up to date on essential tax topics SkatteGuide and SkatteFacit have merged into Aktuel Skat.
Articles from SkatteGuide can be ordered by e-mail:

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The driving book

The Tax Informer's Driving Book has been prepared and published as a guide to commercial driving. The driving book sets out the applicable legal requirements for commercial driving and the rules for employees driving in yellow plate cars as well as parts leasing schemes.

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Also read: Driving book article
Often the question is whether it is worthwhile to have a free car provided by one's employer.

AM Contribution Handbook

SkatteInform's specialists are co-authors of the Handbook on AM Contributions, which contains, among other things, a brief summary of 125 printed and unprinted decisions as well as a description of the importance of the AM contribution in choosing the form of taxation for self-employed persons.

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Corporate taxation

SkatteInform's specialists are co-authors of the book Corporate Taxation. The book provides a comprehensive description of the forms of taxation for self-employed persons and deals with the key parts of the rules for self-employed persons in the Personal Tax Act and in the special forms of taxation: the corporate scheme and the capital return scheme.

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SkatteInform has published a number of booklets on special tax topics, and upon agreement we can also prepare brochures on specific tax matters for your company.
Contact Tax Inform for more information

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