Free advice on starting a business
SkatteInform has extensive experience and expertise with advice on starting a business.
- Too many people start more companies than necessary when starting a business.
- It is worth getting advice before you start.
- Avoid accidents and reduce risks and costs.
- Which company structure is appropriate for you.
- Depending on the circumstances, you may decide to start a sole proprietor. and later establish a joint-stock or limited liability company.
- Get information on tax pitfalls.
Our fee for consulting when starting a company/company is usually between DKK 5,000 — 8,000 excluding VAT.
The fee varies according to the extent of the advice.
We offer to refund the fee if you enter into an annual cooperation agreement with SkatteInform. Thus, the advice when starting a business becomes FREE.

Contact Us
Call us by phone 33 32 10 10 or send an email at
If you wish to be contacted by SkatteInform Statsautoriseret Revisionpartnerselskap, CVR no. 35394206, please use our contact form below. Your personal data will be processed in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation. You will be contacted by our team in order to best respond to your enquiry.
The above information is for guidance purposes only, and we accept no responsibility for decisions made based on this information without prior individual advice. We accept no responsibility for errors or omissions.
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