Important to register with the National Register and obtain a tax card
When you move to Denmark, you must register with the National Register. You need to prepare a tax card in which you must disclose your annual income and the deductions you expect to receive. If you have wealth abroad, you are obliged to disclose this wealth in Denmark.
For example, it can be:
- Life and pension insurance, etc.
- Property abroad
- Securities
- Other receivables
Please note that the obligation to declare accounts and depositories abroad has been discontinued as of 12/31/2018. However, you must continue to disclose foreign circumstances in your disclosure form and remember to register the entry values of foreign listed securities that are held in foreign depositories in the share system. In addition, the exchange value of foreign unlisted shares and other receivables must be stated in the disclosure form. The input values must be made up at the time of the onset of the tax liability and reported to the Tax Agency.
Information sheet for the first year
As an immigrant, you will not receive an automatically formed annual statement for the first year. Instead, you must complete and submit an information form to the Tax Agency before the submission deadline. There are two principles for calculating the calculated full-year tax.
Main rule: conversion to full year income
People who are fully taxable for part of the year must, as a rule, recalculate taxable income so that the income assessment corresponds to a full year's income. On the basis of the accrued full-year incomes, full-year tax is calculated. The calculated full-year tax is reduced proportionally according to the ratio of the interim amounts to the full-year amounts.
Exception: actual income
If conversion to full year income means that the calculated income exceeds the actual full-year income, including any foreign income, it is possible to opt for taxation of the actual income for the whole year, or for the part of the year in which the person is subject to full tax liability.
Note that this option does not have to be converted into a calculated full year income of the person's income during the part of the year in which the person was fully taxable.
The choice also means that, when calculating taxable income, the person must take into account the actual income acquired by the person concerned before moving to Denmark.
Our advice
You should investigate which of the two principles will be most optimal for you before submitting your information form to the Tax Agency. We can offer to prepare tax calculations according to the 2 principles, and advise you on the optimal choice in your particular situation.
Contact Us
You can always contact us and get a free and no obligation quote. We would like to talk about how we can help you and what solutions you need.
If you wish to be contacted by SkatteInform Statsautoriseret Revisionpartnerselskap, CVR no. 35394206, please use our contact form below. Your personal data will be processed in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation. You will be contacted in order to respond to your enquiry as best as possible.
The above information is for guidance purposes only, and we accept no responsibility for decisions made based on this information without prior individual advice. We accept no responsibility for errors or omissions.
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