Declaration of consent for the processing of personal data - Data processing agreement

1. Introduction:

SkatteInform is obliged to protect the confidentiality, integrity and availability of our customers, suppliers, business partners and our employees' information, including personal data. We are strongly committed to protecting personal data and work continuously to ensure ongoing compliance with data protection legislation, including the Personal Data Regulation.

​​When SkatteInform processes personal data in connection with the provision of consultancy and advisory services, we consider ourselves a data processor, as we process them on behalf of our customer and the subsequent customer instructions. In these cases, we ensure that we enter into a data processing agreement with our customer, which contains instructions and conditions for SkatteInform's processing of personal data.​​

When SkatteInform performs audits and other declaration tasks with security, we consider ourselves data controllers, just as well as when we perform other services and process personal data in connection with administration of our collaborations etc., where SkatteInform determines the purpose of the processing. In these cases, a data processing agreement will not be relevant.​​

By accepting this statement, I consent to SkatteInform et al., as data controllers and as mentioned below, processing the following personal data about me:

  • My social security number
  • My name, my adress, e-mail adress, telephone number, copy of ID and passport, self-key code
  • Tax information, including income and asset information, bank information,
  • securities, pension schemes etc.
  • Affiliation with a trade union, gifts to nonprofit associations,

2. Who can process this information (datacontrollers)?

The information is processed by SkatteInform Statsautoriseret Revisionspartnerselskab (CVR no. 35394206) and associated data processor.

3. To whom can the information be disclosed  (recipients)?

We use and pass on the information to SKAT, the Danish Tax Appeals Agency, the Danish Business Authority, public authorities or to third parties - after acceptance from the customer.

In addition, there may be cases of disclosure - without the customer's consent - if it is required according to applicable legislation or regulation, e.g. suspicion of money laundering and terrorist financing that cannot be verified. In such cases, we may be obliged to report or pass on information to the State Prosecutor for Special Crime (SSK), possibly carry out supervision, pursuant to Section 26 of the Money Laundering Act. This will only be the case where we are obliged to pass on personal data.

4. Processing by third parties

SkatteInform uses Cloud hosting solutions from third-party suppliers to store and process data, including personal data. SkatteInform ensures the preparation of relevant data processing agreements with all such data processors.

5. What is the purpose of collecting personal data?

  • to perform consulting services and provide advice to our customers, such as:
    • Assisting with the preparation of personal accounts
    • Assisting with the preparation of tax returns
    • Assisting with the preparation of annual accounts
    • Providing assistance in tax matters
    • Providing tax advice
  • Correcting the identity of the registered person in accordance with the customer awareness procedures of the Swedish Money Laundering Act, cf. § 11-21.
  • To be able to invoice the customer.
  • To be able to manage quality and – control.
  • To manage our relationship with customers.
  • Develop the business and services (identify customer needs and to improve the service to customers)
  • Handle operation and maintenance of IT systems and applications
  • For statistical processing and business development

6. In cases with statutory audits and other declaration tasks with security

We collect and process personal data about customers and in certain cases personal data about customer employees.

6.1. What information is collected

We process general personal data, including name, address, financial information and CPR number of the customer. In addition, we process general personal data, i.e. name, address, telephone number, employee and salary number, financial information and account information, as well as CPR no. on the customers employees.​​

Information about pending or potential legal proceedings against the customer.

6.2 For what purposes is the information collected and the basis for this

We process the information for use in issuing an audit statement or other assurance statements. The processing is necessary in order to comply with a legal obligation pursuant to section 23(1) of the Auditors Act. 1, cf. § 1, subsection 2 and good auditing practice pursuant to Section 16, subsection of the Auditors Act. 1, in connection with making statements with security.

7. Storage and deletion of personal data

SkatteInform deletes personal data when SkatteInform no longer has a work-related need to process them. The retention period is set in relation to the obligations that SkatteInform is subject to in accordance with applicable legislation, SkatteInform's network, the auditor's inspectorate, other public authorities, as well as to secure documentation.

8. What rights does the Personal Data Regulation give me?

You are entitled at any time to gain insight into and/or correct the personal data about yourself that is processed by the data controller. The right to access entails, among other things, that the data controller must give you access to all personal data about yourself that is processed.​​

You are entitled to restrict the data controller's access to processing your personal data at any time. Furthermore, you are entitled at any time to demand that personal data about you be deleted if the information is no longer necessary, consent is withdrawn, a complaint is lodged with the supervisory authority, etc.

9. Legal basis

Processing of the above-mentioned personal data takes place in accordance with Art. 5 pieces 1 and 6, subsection 1 letter a) of the European Parliament and Council Regulation 2016/679 (data protection regulation)

10. Acceptance and signature

I confirm this declaration by electronic acceptance that:

  • I agree that the mentioned data controllers process the mentioned personal data about me and that the information can be passed on to the mentioned recipients
  • I am made aware that I can complain about the processing of personal data to Datatilsynet, Borgergade 28, 1300 København K, tel.: 33193200, or via e-mail:
  • I agree that signing this declaration of consent is voluntary and that I can revoke my consent at any time . Consent is withdrawn in writing by notification to the data controller per e-mail to