Free assessment of tax cases

You are always welcome to contact us for a non-binding meeting if you would like a preliminary assessment of a given tax case.

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Inge is a partner and director of SkatteInform Statsautoriseret Revisionpartnerselskab. Inge is a State-Authorised Public Accountant and has 36 years of experience in tax advice and tax matters. Inge leads a qualified team of accountants and lawyers specialising in tax advice. SkatteInform is a member of the Association of State-Authorised Public Accountants and IAPA International.


Contact us and have a non-binding meeting on tax assessment

You are always welcome to contact us for a non-binding meeting if you would like a preliminary assessment of a given tax case.

  • We will make a qualified assessment about the possibility of appealing and winning the tax case.

  • We will deal with the costs of conducting the case and we will set out the rules on what you can get paid by the public in cost reimbursement.

  • We will outline the pros and cons of conducting the case so that you can decide to pursue the case.

Always impartial and free assessment of tax matters

If you wish to accept this offer, you are welcome to contact Stateautorised Auditor Inge Nilsson by phone no. 33 32 10 10 or via the email address:

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