The Enterprise Scheme (VSO) can save you top tax

Med vores kompetencer, er du sikret, at der bliver taget højde for de juridiske og økonomiske aspekter, og vores skatteksperter kan føre sager til og med Skatteankestyrelsen.

One of several advantages of using the company scheme (VSO) is that with proper planning/disposition in the VSO, you can decide for yourself how much and when profits should be paid out. In this way, you can also decide for yourself which taxation should be made on this profit.

Current tax rates

With current tax rates, with proper planning, you will be able to defer tax of up to (56.5%-22%) = 34.5% of the profits you save in VSO, whereas you will only be taxed at (39.5% - 22%) = 17.5% when you withdraw the amount again if you do not hit the top tax limit. Thus, with savings in VSO of just DKK 1,000,000, and sensible planning, you will be able to obtain a tax benefit of DKK 170,000. Profits saved in the corporate tax scheme are provisionally taxed at a rate of 22% until the profits are withdrawn for taxation in personal income.

Note that, as mentioned, it requires a lot of planning. Planning can be combined with planning your retirement savings.

We do not accept responsibility for any dispositions that may be made on the basis of the above without prior individual advice. Likewise, we accept no responsibility for any errors and omissions.

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