Company scheme

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Inge is a partner and director of SkatteInform Statsautoriseret Revisionpartnerselskab. Inge is a State-Authorised Public Accountant and has 36 years of experience in tax advice and tax matters. Inge leads a qualified team of accountants and lawyers specialising in tax advice. SkatteInform is a member of the Association of State-Authorised Public Accountants and IAPA International.


Consider whether you want to run the business personally or through a company

If you are self-employed or are considering starting a business, it may be valuable for you to consider whether you want to run your business personally or through a company.

Self-employed persons can choose between 3 types of taxation:

  • Corporate tax regime
  • The Capital Return Scheme
  • Personal Tax Act

You can also choose to run the business through a corporation.

You can save money in SKAT by choosing the right taxation scheme.

We provide start-up advice when starting a business. Contact us to hear our offer for you.

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