Unfair and incorrect taxation of pensioners


The Tax Agency has charged our client, who is a pensioner, for not including the purchase of currency in his tax return, even though it is several years after the statute of limitations.

Date 16/01 2023

The Danish Tax Agency has alleged in one case that our client has acted negligently. That is, our client is accused of deliberately not including the purchase of currency as income on the tax return, since the money is withdrawn from her bank account more than two days before the time of exchange of the money.

Justification of the Tax Board:

“For your other cash withdrawals in 2016, our review shows that there is no temporal or monetary correlation with the currency exchanges you made during the same period.”

The Danish Tax Agency has claimed to us that there is a firm practice whereby money withdrawn more than two days before it is spent - i.e. has been in cash at home - can be taxed if the taxpayer cannot prove that there is a temporal or monetary connection with the withdrawals at the bank and the payments/currency exchanges.

At our request, the Danish Tax Agency has not provided evidence of the established practice. It probably has to do with the fact that it doesn't exist! We have searched by light and lantern for this practice as if it were a needle in a haystack.

In connection with a reopening case against the Swedish Tax Agency, we have provided evidence of where the money came from.

The Tax Agency has raised the case in 2022 for the income year 2016. That is, several years after the statute of limitations has entered into force. This can only be done in the event of negligence. That is, our client, as a pensioner, should know that she should be able to document when she has withdrawn money in the bank and put it in the home and then taken it again and exchanged it or made purchases. This will require ordinary earners to keep, at a minimum, a cash report in their own home of cash. This requirement does not exist in the tax code.

We must inform you that in this case these are small amounts and amounts which may be within the usual personal consumption for the year of income.

We have been allowed by our client to make this case public. Stay tuned as we follow up on the progress of the case later.

We assist in cases where taxpayers have been unfairly or wrongly taxed.

We will find the optimal solution for you.

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We provide qualified answers to your tax questions. If you are interested in assistance with the calculation of taxable income, we are happy to provide you with a fee upon further agreement.

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SkatteInform Statsauthorized
Audit partner company
Frederiksborggade 54 1. tv
1360 Copenhagen K

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