Property abroad


As a fully-taxable resident in Denmark, you are required to pay Danish taxes if you own a property abroad.

This may include property tax or tax on rental income from the property. We can assist with the calculation of property tax.

Specific rules apply to the calculation of property value tax for foreign properties.

If you own a property abroad, which you or your family use, you are required to pay property tax in Denmark.

Property tax is not an income tax, rather it is a wealth tax. Therefore, in certain situations, you may only receive partial relief  for property tax paid abroad.

We can help calculate property tax, and inform you of any potential relief for property value tax paid abroad. If the property is rented out, you are not required to pay property tax, but you must instead pay tax on rental income, etc.

You are not required to pay property tax if the property is uninhabitable.

There are several ways to tax the rental of a property.

We can advise you on the different taxation methods. Feel free to contact us.


The above information is for guidance purposes only, and we accept no responsibility for decisions made based on this information, without prior individual advice. We accept no responsibility for errors or omissions.

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