Capital income

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Capital Income202320242025
The Property Gains Taxation Act
Basic deduction for mixed-use properties with owner-occupied housing327.200338.800351.900
Capital Gains Taxation Act
Trivial limit for individuals' capital gains/losses2.0002.0002.000
Tax cap
Tax cap positive net capital income42 %42 %42 %
Basic deduction for positive net capital income in the top tax base48.80049.70051.600
Rental of holiday home or room rental
Basic deduction for holiday homes when self-declaring rental income (own rental)12.20012.70013.100
Basic deduction for holiday homes when reporting rental income through an agency44.50046.10047.900
Rental of rooms in owner-occupied homes
1 1/3% of the property's public value, however minimum basic deduction for room rental.

Applies to both letting of rental properties and owner-occupied properties

Renting out rooms or renting out a year-round residence for part of the year
Base deduction (self-rental)12.20012.70013.100
Basic deduction (agency) 31.20032.30033.500

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